Wyndham Community Garden Swap

First Sunday of Every Month Mossfield Reserve, Hoppers Crossing (Netball Carpark entrance) 10am - 11am

What's it all about?

First Sunday of Every Month
Mossfield Reserve, Hoppers Crossing
(Netball Carpark entrance)
10am - 11am

Things you can bring to swap:
1. Fresh Garden Produce from your garden or edible seeds.
2. Edible and non plants and plant containers
3. Small glass jars with metal lids, suitable for
jams preserves.
4. Containers of worm juice, or bring some worms or chicken manure.
5. Bunches of fresh cut flowers or some food freshly made to share
6. Bags of coffee grounds, compost
7. Old Newspapers and Gardening Magazines / Books


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A number of our Victorian listings are sourced from The Field Guide to Victorian Produce, the first comprehensive guide to Victoria's regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it.